Most people know and understand that our teeth are important. They allow us to perform daily functions successfully, and well, who doesn’t enjoy a bright smile? As a family dentist in Elmhurst NY, Dr. Kessman wants to help to stop the increasing amount of children with dental decay.
Why is dental decay such an alarming disease?
Dental decay affects more than just a child’s smile—it can lead to an early death if left untreated. Unless it is prevented or stopped early on, the damage will be irreversible. If proper actions are not taken soon enough, dental decay can lead to infection of the teeth, gum disease, and eventually even tooth loss.
Children tend to do worse in school when their oral health is not intact. Dental decay can compromise a child’s ability to eat, sleep, and function in their daily lives. It can even undermine their self-esteem and hinder their social development.
What causes dental decay?
There are thousands of different kinds of bacteria that live on the surface of our teeth. These bacteria feed off of sugar and will eat away at our enamel if we do not keep up with brushing and flossing.
As our teeth are continuously attacked by bacteria and acid the enamel begins to weaken and will eventually wear away. This causes our teeth to become weak and eventually a cavity will form. Cavities are permanent damage and require a dentist to repair it with a filling.
How can we help children to avoid cavities?
Your family dentist in Elmhurst NY reminds you to ensure your child is brushing their teeth twice a day and flossing once a day. Preventative dentistry can be extremely beneficial and can save your child’s smile from a lot of damage and decay. B sure to brush, floss, and keep up with dental checkups!
Dental checkups can help your dentist discover any issues early on, and typically at an early stage the damage is reversible.
Another great way to help your child fight off cavities is to ensure they are consuming enough products containing the mineral fluoride. You can purchase water infused with fluoride as well as fluoridated toothpaste.
You can also keep your child on a mouth healthy diet. Try to avoid giving them sticky foods such as candy and even dried fruits. Avoid letting them drink soda and other drinks with high sugar contents, and try to avoid in-between meal snacks.
For more information on how you can help protect your child from tooth decay, or to schedule an appointment with a family dentist in Elmhurst NY, call (718) 335-4980.