The new year is right around the corner! 2018 gives everyone a brand new start and the motivation to work on a list of achievements that will benefit them in a number of ways. You may already have some resolutions that you’ve been working on! One of the most popular goals that people set is to have a healthier, everyday lifestyle. What better way to start than with the help of your 11373 dentist to ensure that your dental health is in the best shape it can be?
Below, we’ll list some resolutions that you can work on RIGHT NOW to begin your journey into 2018 with a stronger, healthier smile.
Enjoy More Fruits and Vegetables
Remember when your parents told you to eat more fruits and vegetables as a kid? Well, we hope this habit stayed with you as you grew up! There are numerous health benefits to eating fruits and vegetables and many of those benefits apply to your teeth and gums. If you don’t consume clean and healthy foods and drinks, your oral and dental health are one of the first areas affected.
In the new year, try to integrate fruits and vegetables if you’re looking for a snack instead of chips and candy. Nutrients found in fruits, veggies, and nuts can fight against bacterial build-up. Vegetables like celery and fruits like apples can help clean bacteria and plaque that get stuck in between your teeth.
Cut Back on Alcohol Consumption
Excessive alcohol consumption can be extremely harmful for your overall health, but your oral health can take a heavy hit if you’re not careful. Alcohol can damage and weaken your gums, causing them to recede, which can lead to weakened enamel or a potential loss of teeth. It’s true that if you use tobacco products on a daily basis, have a poor diet, and consistently consume excessive amounts of alcohol, you’re at a much higher risk for periodontitis, more commonly known as gum disease.
Finally – Visit Your Dentist!
Keeping up with your appointments will help you prevent oral and dental health issues and allow us to monitor and solve any problems before they require a more comprehensive treatment. With these regular visits, you’ll receive a thorough exam and cleaning, as well as tips and advice on how to improve your smile in areas that may need additional help.
Let 2018 be the year that you’re proud to share your smile with friends, family and more! To start your year off right, call your 11373 dentist at 718-335-4980 to schedule an appointment for your routine cleaning or ask us about other services that may benefit and improve your dental health.