Regular Cleaning vs. Deep Cleaning: What Do You Need?
Did you know that according to the American Dental Association, 47.2 percent of adults experience chronic gum disease? In those cases, you need a deep cleaning to help mitigate the damage and get your gums healthy again.
Is it time for your routine checkup, but you’re unsure whether you should get a regular cleaning versus a deep cleaning at the dentist? It helps to know a little about each procedure.
Read on to learn the difference between regular cleaning versus deep cleaning and whether you need one or both!
What is a Regular Dental Cleaning?
Regular cleaning is probably what you’re most used to. Although it’s less extensive than deep cleaning, it’s necessary for both the look and cleanliness of your teeth. Hygienists will remove tartar buildup with a scaler as well as brush and floss your teeth till they shine.
You’ll find that regular dental cleaning is a preventative measure against tooth decay and gingivitis. However, if tartar has already begun to invade your gumline, you’ll need to have a deep cleaning.
What is a Deep Cleaning?
If you have gums that are red and swollen, a deep cleaning may be necessary. This indicates that your gums are suffering from a bacterial infection. In this case, your hygienists will clean below your gum line to the roots of your teeth.
Using a manual scraper and an ultrasonic device, they’ll remove plaque as well as rub the rough spots at the roots of your teeth. Over time, this process will help your infected gums attach to your teeth and become healthy again.
Do You Need Deep Cleaning?
You’ll know that you may need a deep cleaning if your hygienist recommends it for a future appointment. They may have noticed that you have tartar that wasn’t able to be removed with a regular cleaning.
You may also be experiencing symptoms of gum disease, such as bleeding gums when you brush, loose teeth, swelling of your gums, and more. Your hygienists may also find that you’re at risk for periodontal disease when your gum pockets are over 5 millimeters in depth.
In this case, a deep cleaning is necessary.
What to Expect During a Deep Cleaning
If you do need a deep cleaning, there’s no need to be afraid. Your dentist may choose to use a local anesthetic in order to minimize any pain or discomfort. A deep cleaning also means you’re on the road for healthier teeth and gums!
If you find that a deep cleaning may be necessary, make sure to speak to your dentist about your options. They may find that twice-a-year regular cleanings are all you need to get back on track.
Regardless of what type of cleaning you need, make sure you’re brushing and flossing twice a day. You can prevent gingivitis or alleviate uncomfortable symptoms.
Ready for more simple oral health information? Keep reading our blog or contact us to schedule an appointment today!